;*           MC9S08GB60 FRAMEWORK INCLUDE FILE FOR ASM8 ASSEMBLER              *
; FREEWARE, Copyright (c) Tony G. Papadimitriou <tonyp@acm.org>

                    #Uses     macros.inc
                    #Message  **********************
                    #Message  * Target: MC9S08GB60 *
                    #Message  **********************

                    #NoMMU                        ;MMU not available
#ifdef BOOT
                    #Message  BootROM pre-loaded
          #ifexists tboot_gb60.exp
                    #Uses     tboot_gb60.exp
          #else ifexists tboot.exp
                    #Uses     tboot.exp
                    #Uses     tboot/tboot_gb60.exp


_GB_                def       60
_GB60_              def       *

FLL_FACTOR          def       256                 ;dummy to silence generic warning

;* Author: Tony Papadimitriou - <tonyp@acm.org>
;*         Jim Sibigtroth - Motorola TSPG (Original version)
;* Description: Register and bit name definitions for 9S08GB60
;* Documentation: 9S08GB60 family Data Sheet for register and bit explanations
;* HCS08 Family Reference Manual (HCS08RM1/D) appendix B for explanation of
;* equate files
;* Modified by <tonyp@acm.org> as follows:
;* 1. All bit names for use with BSET/BCLR/BRSET/BRCLR end with a dot (.)
;* 2. All bit names for use as masks end with an underscore (_)
;* 3. ASM8's segments RAM, ROM, XROM, SEG9 (OS8), EEPROM and VECTORS
;*    initialized with appropriate values for immediate use.
;* 4. The assembly-time symbol FLASH_DATA_SIZE optionally defines the protected Flash
;*    as the difference between total flash and FLASH_DATA_SIZE
;*    Based on MC9S08GB60's architecture, FLASH_DATA_SIZE can only take specific
;*    values.  An invalid value will cause an informative assembler error message.
;* 5. ASM8's #MEMORY directive used to define actual Flash space for user code/data
;* Include Files: COMMON.INC
;* Assembler:  ASM8 by Tony G. Papadimitriou <tonyp@acm.org>
;* Revision History: not yet released
;* Rev #     Date      Who     Comments
;* -----  -----------  ------  -------------------------------------------------
;*  1.5    24-Oct-05   T-Pap   Added some aliases
;*  1.4    05-Feb-04   T-Pap   Adapted to ASM8 by <tonyp@acm.org>
;*  1.3    28-Apr-03   J-Sib   SPCO->SPC0, IIAS->IAAS, AN2111 format
;*  1.2    24-Apr-03   J-Sib   correct minor typos in comments
;*  1.1    21-Apr-03   J-Sib   comments and modify for CW 3.0 project
;*  1.0    15-Apr-03   J-Sib   Release version for 9S08GB60

; **** Memory Map and Interrupt Vectors ****************************************

HighRegs            equ       $1800               ;start of high page registers
HighRegs_End        equ       $182B               ;end of high page registers

; **** Input/Output (I/O) Ports ************************************************

PTAD                equ       $00,1               ;I/O port A data register
PORTA               equ       PTAD,1
PTAPE               equ       $01,1               ;I/O port A pullup enable controls
PTAPUE              equ       PTAPE,1
PTASE               equ       $02,1               ;I/O port A slew rate control register
PTADD               equ       $03,1               ;I/O port A data direction register
DDRA                equ       $03,1               ;I/O port A data direction register
PTBD                equ       $04,1               ;I/O port B data register
PORTB               equ       PTBD,1
PTBPE               equ       $05,1               ;I/O port B pullup enable controls
PTBPUE              equ       PTBPE,1
PTBSE               equ       $06,1               ;I/O port B slew rate control register
PTBDD               equ       $07,1               ;I/O port B data direction register
DDRB                equ       $07,1               ;I/O port B data direction register
PTCD                equ       $08,1               ;I/O port C data register
PORTC               equ       PTCD,1
PTCPE               equ       $09,1               ;I/O port C pullup enable controls
PTCPUE              equ       PTCPE,1
PTCSE               equ       $0A,1               ;I/O port C slew rate control register
PTCDD               equ       $0B,1               ;I/O port C data direction register
DDRC                equ       $0B,1               ;I/O port C data direction register
PTDD                equ       $0C,1               ;I/O port D data register
PORTD               equ       PTDD,1
PTDPE               equ       $0D,1               ;I/O port D pullup enable controls
PTDPUE              equ       PTDPE,1
PTDSE               equ       $0E,1               ;I/O port D slew rate control register
PTDDD               equ       $0F,1               ;I/O port D data direction register
DDRD                equ       $0F,1               ;I/O port D data direction register
PTED                equ       $10,1               ;I/O port E data register
PORTE               equ       $10,1               ;I/O port E data register
PTEPE               equ       $11,1               ;I/O port E pullup enable controls
PTEPUE              equ       PTEPE,1
PTESE               equ       $12,1               ;I/O port E slew rate control register
PTEDD               equ       $13,1               ;I/O port E data direction register
DDRE                equ       $13,1               ;I/O port E data direction register
PTFD                equ       $40,1               ;I/O port F data register
PORTF               equ       $40,1               ;I/O port F data register
PTFPE               equ       $41,1               ;I/O port F pullup enable controls
PTFPUE              equ       PTFPE,1
PTFSE               equ       $42,1               ;I/O port F slew rate control register
PTFDD               equ       $43,1               ;I/O port F data direction register
DDRF                equ       $43,1               ;I/O port F data direction register
PTGD                equ       $44,1               ;I/O port G data register
PORTG               equ       $44,1               ;I/O port G data register
PTGPE               equ       $45,1               ;I/O port G pullup enable controls
PTGPUE              equ       PTGPE,1
PTGSE               equ       $46,1               ;I/O port G slew rate control register
PTGDD               equ       $47,1               ;I/O port G data direction register
DDRG                equ       $47,1               ;I/O port G data direction register

; **** Interrupt Request Module (IRQ) ******************************************

IRQSC               equ       $14,1               ;IRQ status and control register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   IRQEDG,5            ;IRQ pin edge sensitivity
                    @bitnum   IRQPE,4             ;IRQ pin enable (PTB5)
                    @bitnum   IRQF,3              ;IRQ flag
                    @bitnum   IRQACK,2            ;acknowledge IRQ flag
                    @bitnum   IRQIE,1             ;IRQ pin interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   IRQMOD,0            ;IRQ mode

; **** Keyboard Interrupt Module (KBI) *****************************************

KBISC               equ       $16                 ;KBI status and control register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   KBEDG7,7            ;rise-hi/fall-low for KBIP7 pin
                    @bitnum   KBEDG6,6            ;rise-hi/fall-low for KBIP6 pin
                    @bitnum   KBEDG5,5            ;rise-hi/fall-low for KBIP5 pin
                    @bitnum   KBEDG4,4            ;rise-hi/fall-low for KBIP4 pin
                    @bitnum   KBF,3               ;KBI flag
                    @bitnum   KBACK,2             ;acknowledge
                    @bitnum   KBIE,1              ;KBI interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   KBIMOD,0            ;KBI mode select

KBIPE               equ       $17                 ;KBI pin enable controls

; **** Serial Communications Interface 1&2 (SCI1 & SCI2) ***********************

SCI1BD              equ       $18,2               ;SCI1 baud rate register
SCI1BDH             equ       $18,1               ;SCI1 baud rate register (high)
SCI1BDL             equ       $19,1               ;SCI1 baud rate register (low byte)
SCI2BD              equ       $20,2               ;SCI2 baud rate register
SCI2BDH             equ       $20,1               ;SCI2 baud rate register (high)
SCI2BDL             equ       $21,1               ;SCI2 baud rate register (low byte)
SCI1C1              equ       $1A,1               ;SCI1 control register 1
SCI2C1              equ       $22,1               ;SCI2 control register 1

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   LOOPS,7             ;loopback mode
                    @bitnum   SCISWAI,6           ;SCI stop in wait
                    @bitnum   RSRC,5              ;receiver source
                    @bitnum   M,4                 ;9/8 bit data
                    @bitnum   WAKE,3              ;wake by addr mark/idle
                    @bitnum   ILT,2               ;idle line type; stop/start
                    @bitnum   PE,1                ;parity enable
                    @bitnum   PT,0                ;parity type

SCI1C2              equ       $1B,1               ;SCI1 control register 2
SCI2C2              equ       $23,1               ;SCI2 control register 2

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   TIE,7               ;transmit interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   TCIE,6              ;TC interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   RIE,5               ;receive interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   ILIE,4              ;idle line interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   TE,3                ;transmitter enable
                    @bitnum   RE,2                ;receiver enable
                    @bitnum   RWU,1               ;receiver wakeup engage
                    @bitnum   SBK,0               ;send break

SCI1S1              equ       $1C,1               ;SCI1 status register 1
SCI2S1              equ       $24,1               ;SCI2 status register 1

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   TDRE,7              ;Tx data register empty
                    @bitnum   TC,6                ;transmit complete
                    @bitnum   RDRF,5              ;Rx data register full
                    @bitnum   IDLE,4              ;idle line detected
                    @bitnum   OR,3                ;Rx over run
                    @bitnum   NF,2                ;Rx noise flag
                    @bitnum   FE,1                ;Rx framing error
                    @bitnum   PF,0                ;Rx parity failed

SCI1S2              equ       $1D,1               ;SCI1 status register 2
SCI2S2              equ       $25,1               ;SCI2 status register 2

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   RAF,0               ;(bit #0) Rx active flag

SCI1C3              equ       $1E,1               ;SCI1 control register 3
SCI2C3              equ       $26,1               ;SCI2 control register 3

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   R8,7                ;9th Rx bit
                    @bitnum   T8,6                ;9th Tx bit
                    @bitnum   TXDIR,5             ;TxD pin direction?
                    @bitnum   ORIE,3              ;Rx over run int. enable
                    @bitnum   NEIE,2              ;Rx noise flag int. enable
                    @bitnum   FEIE,1              ;Rx framing error int. enable
                    @bitnum   PEIE,0              ;Rx parity error int. enable

SCI1D               equ       $1F,1               ;SCI1 data register (low byte)
SCI2D               equ       $27,1               ;SCI2 data register (low byte)

; **** Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ***************************************

SPIC1               equ       $28,1               ;SPI control register 1

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   SPIE,7              ;SPI interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   SPE,6               ;SPI enable
                    @bitnum   SPTIE,5             ;Tx error interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   MSTR,4              ;master/slave
                    @bitnum   CPOL,3              ;clock polarity
                    @bitnum   CPHA,2              ;clock phase
                    @bitnum   SSOE,1              ;SS output enable
                    @bitnum   LSBFE,0             ;LSB-first enable

SPIC2               equ       $29,1               ;SPI control register 2

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   MODFEN,4            ;mode fault enable
                    @bitnum   BIDIROE,3           ;bi-directional enable
                    @bitnum   SPISWAI,1           ;SPI stops in wait
                    @bitnum   SPC0,0              ;SPI pin 0 control

SPIBR               equ       $2A,1               ;SPI baud rate select

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   SPPR2,6             ;SPI baud rate prescale
                    @bitnum   SPPR1,5             ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   SPPR0,4             ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   SPR2,2              ;SPI rate selact
                    @bitnum   SPR1,1              ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   SPR0,0              ;         -//-

SPIS                equ       $2B,1               ;SPI status register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

SPRF                @pin      SPIS,7              ;SPI Rx full flag
SPTEF               @pin      SPIS,5              ;SPI Transmit Buffer Empty Flag
MODF                @pin      SPIS,4              ;mode fault flag

SPID                equ       $2D,1               ;SPI data register

; **** Analog-to-Digital Converter Module (ATD) ********************************

ATDC                equ       $50,1               ;A/D control tegister

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   ATDPU,7             ;A/D power up
                    @bitnum   DJM,6               ;justification mode; rt/left
                    @bitnum   RES8,5              ;A/D resolution select
                    @bitnum   SGN,4               ;signed result select
                    @bitnum   PRS3,3              ;prescaler rate select (high)
                    @bitnum   PRS2,2              ;prescaler rate select
                    @bitnum   PRS1,1              ;prescaler rate select
                    @bitnum   PRS0,0              ;prescaler rate select (low)

ATDSC               equ       $51,1               ;A/D status and control register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   CCF,7               ;conversion complete flag
                    @bitnum   ATDIE,6             ;A/D interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   ATDCO,5             ;A/D continuous conversion
                    @bitnum   ATDCH4,4            ;A/D input channel select (high)
                    @bitnum   ATDCH3,3            ;A/D input channel select
                    @bitnum   ATDCH2,2            ;A/D input channel select
                    @bitnum   ATDCH1,1            ;A/D input channel select
                    @bitnum   ATDCH0,0            ;A/D input channel select (low)

ATDPE               equ       $54,1               ;A/D pin enable register
ATDR                equ       $52,2               ;A/D result register
ATDRH               equ       $52,1               ;A/D result register (high)
ATDRL               equ       $53,1               ;A/D result register (low)

; **** Inter-Integrated Circuit Module (IIC) ***********************************

IICA                equ       $58,1               ;IIC address register

IICF                equ       $59,1               ;IIC frequency divider register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   MULT1,7             ;IIC multiply factor (high)
                    @bitnum   MULT0,6             ;IIC multiply factor (low)
                    @bitnum   ICR5,5              ;IIC Divider and Hold bit-5
                    @bitnum   ICR4,4              ;IIC Divider and Hold bit-4
                    @bitnum   ICR3,3              ;IIC Divider and Hold bit-3
                    @bitnum   ICR2,2              ;IIC Divider and Hold bit-2
                    @bitnum   ICR1,1              ;IIC Divider and Hold bit-1
                    @bitnum   ICR0,0              ;IIC Divider and Hold bit-0

IICC                equ       $5A,1               ;IIC control register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   IICEN,7             ;IIC enable bit
                    @bitnum   IICIE,6             ;IIC interrupt enable bit
                    @bitnum   MST,5               ;IIC master mode select bit
                    @bitnum   TX,4                ;IIC transmit mode select bit
                    @bitnum   TXAK,3              ;IIC transmit acknowledge bit
                    @bitnum   RSTA,2              ;IIC repeat start bit

IICS                equ       $5B,1               ;IIC status register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   TCF,7               ;IIC transfer complete flag bit
                    @bitnum   IAAS,6              ;IIC addressed as slave bit
                    @bitnum   BUSY,5              ;IIC bus busy bit
                    @bitnum   ARBL,4              ;IIC arbitration lost bit
                    @bitnum   SRW,2               ;IIC slave read/write bit
                    @bitnum   IICIF,1             ;IIC interrupt flag bit
                    @bitnum   RXAK,0              ;IIC receive acknowledge bit

IICD                equ       $5C,1               ;IIC data I/O register bits 7:0

; **** Timer/PWM Module 1 (TPM1) ***** TPM1 has 3 channels *********************
; **** Timer/PWM Module 2 (TPM2) ***** TPM2 has 5 channels *********************

TPM1SC              equ       $30,1               ;TPM1 status and control register
TPMSC               equ       TPM1SC,1
TPM2SC              equ       $60,1               ;TPM2 status and control register

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   TOF,7               ;timer overflow flag
                    @bitnum   TOIE,6              ;TOF interrupt enable
                    @bitnum   CPWMS,5             ;centered PWM select
                    @bitnum   CLKSB,4             ;clock select bits
                    @bitnum   CLKSA,3             ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   PS2,2               ;prescaler bits
                    @bitnum   PS1,1               ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   PS0,0               ;         -//-

TPM1CNT             equ       $31,2               ;TPM1 counter
TPM1CNTH            equ       $31,1               ;TPM1 counter (high half)
TPM1CNTL            equ       $32,1               ;TPM1 counter (low half)
TPM1MOD             equ       $33,2               ;TPM1 modulo register
TPM1MODH            equ       $33,1               ;TPM1 modulo register (high half)
TPM1MODL            equ       $34,1               ;TPM1 modulo register(low half)

TPMCNT              equ       TPM1CNTH,2
TPMCNTH             equ       TPM1CNTH,1
TPMCNTL             equ       TPM1CNTL,1
TPMMOD              equ       TPM1MODH,2
TPMMODH             equ       TPM1MODH,1
TPMMODL             equ       TPM1MODL,1

TPM2CNT             equ       $61,2               ;TPM2 counter
TPM2CNTH            equ       $61,1               ;TPM2 counter (high half)
TPM2CNTL            equ       $62,1               ;TPM2 counter (low half)
TPM2MOD             equ       $63,2               ;TPM2 modulo register
TPM2MODH            equ       $63,1               ;TPM2 modulo register (high half)
TPM2MODL            equ       $64,1               ;TPM2 modulo register(low half)

TPM1C0SC            equ       $35,1               ;TPM1 channel 0 status and control
TPMC0SC             equ       TPM1C0SC,1
TPM2C0SC            equ       $65,1               ;TPM2 channel 0 status and control

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   CHxF,7              ;Channel n Flag
                    @bitnum   CHxIE,6             ;Channel n Interrupt Enable
                    @bitnum   MSxB,5              ;Mode Select B for TPM Channel n
                    @bitnum   MSxA,4              ;Mode Select A for TPM Channel n
                    @bitnum   ELSxB,3             ;Edge/Level Select Bits
                    @bitnum   ELSxA,2

TPM1C0V             equ       $36,2               ;TPM1 channel 0 value register
TPM1C0VH            equ       $36,1               ;TPM1 channel 0 value register (high)
TPM1C0VL            equ       $37,1               ;TPM1 channel 0 value register (low)
TPMC0V              equ       TPM1C0VH,2
TPMC0VH             equ       TPM1C0VH,1
TPMC0VL             equ       TPM1C0VL,1

TPM2C0V             equ       $66,2               ;TPM2 channel 0 value register
TPM2C0VH            equ       $66,1               ;TPM2 channel 0 value register (high)
TPM2C0VL            equ       $67,1               ;TPM2 channel 0 value register (low)

TPM1C1SC            equ       $38,1               ;TPM1 channel 1 status and control
TPMC1SC             equ       TPM1C1SC,1
TPM2C1SC            equ       $68,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 status and control

TPM1C1V             equ       $39,2               ;TPM1 channel 1 value register
TPM1C1VH            equ       $39,1               ;TPM1 channel 1 value register (high)
TPM1C1VL            equ       $3A,1               ;TPM1 channel 1 value register (low)
TPMC1V              equ       TPM1C1VH,2
TPMC1VH             equ       TPM1C1VH,1
TPMC1VL             equ       TPM1C1VL,1

TPM2C1V             equ       $69,2               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register
TPM2C1VH            equ       $69,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (high)
TPM2C1VL            equ       $6A,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (low)

TPM1C2SC            equ       $3B,1               ;TPM1 channel 2 status and control
TPMC2SC             equ       TPM1C2SC,1
TPM2C2SC            equ       $6B,1               ;TPM2 channel 2 status and control

TPM1C2V             equ       $3C,2               ;TPM1 channel 2 value register
TPM1C2VH            equ       $3C,1               ;TPM1 channel 2 value register (high)
TPM1C2VL            equ       $3D,1               ;TPM1 channel 2 value register (low)
TPMC2V              equ       TPM1C2VH,2
TPMC2VH             equ       TPM1C2VH,1
TPMC2VL             equ       TPM1C2VL,1

TPM2C2V             equ       $6C,2               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register
TPM2C2VH            equ       $6C,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (high)
TPM2C2VL            equ       $6D,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (low)

TPM2C3SC            equ       $6E,1               ;TPM2 channel 3 status and control
TPM2C3V             equ       $6F,2               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register
TPM2C3VH            equ       $6F,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (high)
TPM2C3VL            equ       $70,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (low)

TPM2C4SC            equ       $71,1               ;TPM2 channel 4 status and control
TPM2C4VH            equ       $72,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (high)
TPM2C4VL            equ       $73,1               ;TPM2 channel 1 value register (low)

; **** Internal Clock Generator Module (ICG) ***********************************

ICGC1               equ       $48,1               ;ICG control register 1

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   RANGE_SEL,6         ;frequency range select
                    @bitnum   REFS,5              ;reference select
                    @bitnum   CLKS1,4             ;clock select bit 1
                    @bitnum   CLKS0,3             ;clock select bit 0
                    @bitnum   OSCSTEN,2           ;oscillator runs in stop

ICGC2               equ       $49,1               ;ICG control register 2

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   LOLRE,7             ;loss of lock reset enable
                    @bitnum   MFD2,6              ;multiplication factor div
                    @bitnum   MFD1,5              ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   MFD0,4              ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   LOCRE,3             ;loss of clock reset enable
                    @bitnum   RFD2,2              ;reference divider
                    @bitnum   RFD1,1              ;         -//-
                    @bitnum   RFD0,0              ;         -//-

ICGS1               equ       $4A,1               ;ICG status register 1

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   CLKST1,7            ;clock mode status 1
                    @bitnum   CLKST0,6            ;clock mode status 0
                    @bitnum   REFST,5             ;reference clock status
                    @bitnum   LOLS,4              ;loss of lock status
                    @bitnum   LOCK,3              ;FLL lock status
                    @bitnum   LOCS,2              ;loss of clock status
                    @bitnum   ERCS,1              ;ext ref clk status
                    @bitnum   ICGIF,0             ;ICG interrupt flag

ICGS2               equ       $4B,1               ;ICG status register 2

; bit numbers for use in BCLR, BSET, BRCLR, and BRSET

                    @bitnum   DCOS,0              ;DCO Clock Stable

ICGFLT              equ       $4C,2               ;ICG filter register (upper 4 bits in bits 3:0)
ICGFLTU             equ       $4C,1               ;ICG filter register (upper 4 bits in bits 3:0)
ICGFLTL             equ       $4D,1               ;ICG filter register (lower 8 bits)

ICGTRM              equ       $4E,1               ;ICG trim register

; **** System Integration Module (SIM) *****************************************

SRS                 equ       $1800,1             ;SIM reset status register
COP                 equ       SRS,1               ;for "STA COP"

; bit position masks

POR_                equ       %10000000           ;power-on reset
PIN_                equ       %01000000           ;external reset pin
COP_                equ       %00100000           ;COP watchdog timed out
ILOP_               equ       %00010000           ;illegal opcode
ICG_                equ       %00000100           ;illegal address access
LVD_                equ       %00000010           ;low-voltage detect

SBDFR               equ       $1801,1             ;system BDM reset register

; bit position masks

BDFR_               equ       %00000001           ;BDM force reset

SOPT                equ       $1802,1             ;SIM options register (write once)

; bit position masks

COPE_               equ       %10000000           ;COP watchdog enable
COPT_               equ       %01000000           ;COP time-out select
STOPE_              equ       %00100000           ;stop enable
BKGDPE_             equ       %00000010           ;BDM pin enable

SDID                equ       $1806,2             ;system device identification 1 register (read-only)
SDIDH               equ       $1806,1             ;system device identification 1 register (read-only)
SDIDL               equ       $1807,1             ;rev3,2,1,0 + 12-bit ID. GB60 ID = $002

; bit position masks within SDIDH

REV3_               equ       %10000000           ;device revision identification (high)
REV2_               equ       %01000000           ;device revision identification
REV1_               equ       %00100000           ;device revision identification
REV0_               equ       %00010000           ;device revision identification (low)

; **** Power Management and Control Module (PMC) *******************************

SRTISC              equ       $1808,1             ;System RTI ststus and control register

; bit position masks

RTIF_               equ       %10000000           ;real-time interrupt flag
RTIACK_             equ       %01000000           ;real-time interrupt acknowledge
RTICLKS_            equ       %00100000           ;real-time interrupt clock select
RTIE_               equ       %00010000           ;real-time interrupt enable
RTIS2_              equ       %00000100           ;real-time interrupt delay select (high)
RTIS1_              equ       %00000010           ;real-time interrupt delay select
RTIS0_              equ       %00000001           ;real-time interrupt delay select (low)

SPMSC1              equ       $1809,1             ;System power management status and control 1 register

; bit position masks

LVDF_               equ       %10000000           ;low voltage detect flag
LVDACK_             equ       %01000000           ;LVD interrupt acknowledge
LVDIE_              equ       %00100000           ;LVD interrupt enable
LVDRE_              equ       %00010000           ;LVD reset enable (write once bit)
LVDSE_              equ       %00001000           ;LDV stop enable (write once bit)
LVDE_               equ       %00000100           ;LVD enable (write once bit)

SPMSC2              equ       $180A,1             ;System power management status and control 2 register

; bit position masks

LVWF_               equ       %10000000           ;low voltage warning flag
LVWACK_             equ       %01000000           ;low voltage warning acknowledge
LVDV_               equ       %00100000           ;low voltage detect voltage select
LVWV_               equ       %00010000           ;low voltage warning voltage select
PPDF_               equ       %00001000           ;partial power down flag
PPDACK_             equ       %00000100           ;partial power down acknowledge
PDC_                equ       %00000010           ;power down control
PPDC_               equ       %00000001           ;partial power down control

; **** Debug Module (DBG) ******************************************************

DBGCA               equ       $1810,2             ;DBG comparator register A
DBGCAH              equ       $1810,1             ;DBG comparator register A (high)
DBGCAL              equ       $1811,1             ;DBG comparator register A (low)
DBGCB               equ       $1812,2             ;DBG comparator register B
DBGCBH              equ       $1812,1             ;DBG comparator register B (high)
DBGCBL              equ       $1813,1             ;DBG comparator register B (low)
DBGF                equ       $1814,2             ;DBG FIFO register
DBGFH               equ       $1814,1             ;DBG FIFO register (high)
DBGFL               equ       $1815,1             ;DBG FIFO register (low)

DBGC                equ       $1816,1             ;DBG control register

; bit position masks

DBGEN_              equ       %10000000           ;debug module enable
ARM_                equ       %01000000           ;arm control
TAG_                equ       %00100000           ;tag/force select
BRKEN_              equ       %00010000           ;break enable
RWA_                equ       %00001000           ;R/W compare A value
RWAEN_              equ       %00000100           ;R/W compare A enable
RWB_                equ       %00000010           ;R/W compare B value
RWBEN_              equ       %00000001           ;R/W compare B enable

DBGT                equ       $1817,1             ;DBG trigger register

; bit position masks

TRGSEL_             equ       %10000000           ;trigger on opcode/access
BEGIN_              equ       %01000000           ;begin/end trigger
TRG3_               equ       %00001000           ;trigger mode bits
TRG2_               equ       %00000100           ;         -//-
TRG1_               equ       %00000010           ;         -//-
TRG0_               equ       %00000001           ;         -//-

DBGS                equ       $1818,1             ;DBG status register

; bit position masks

AF_                 equ       %10000000           ;trigger A match flag
BF_                 equ       %01000000           ;trigger B match flag
ARMF_               equ       %00100000           ;arm flag
CNT3_               equ       %00001000           ;count of items in FIFO (high)
CNT2_               equ       %00000100           ;         -//-
CNT1_               equ       %00000010           ;         -//-
CNT0_               equ       %00000001           ;count of items in FIFO (low)

; **** Flash Module (FLASH) ****************************************************

FCDIV               equ       $1820,1             ;Flash clock divider register

; bit position masks

DIVLD_              equ       %10000000           ;clock divider loaded
PRDIV8_             equ       %01000000           ;enable prescale by 8

FOPT                equ       $1821,1             ;Flash options register

; bit position masks

KEYEN_              equ       %10000000           ;enable backdoor key to security
FNORED_             equ       %01000000           ;Vector redirection enable
SEC01_              equ       %00000010           ;security state code (high)
SEC00_              equ       %00000001           ;security state code (low)

FCNFG               equ       $1823,1             ;Flash configuration register

; bit position masks

KEYACC_             equ       %00100000           ;enable security key writing

FPROT               equ       $1824,1             ;Flash protection register

; bit position masks

FPOPEN_             equ       %10000000           ;open unprotected flash for program/erase
FPDIS_              equ       %01000000           ;flash protection disable
FPS2_               equ       %00100000           ;flash protect size select (high)
FPS1_               equ       %00010000           ;flash protect size select
FPS0_               equ       %00001000           ;flash protect size select (low)

FSTAT               equ       $1825,1             ;Flash status register

; bit position masks

FCBEF_              equ       %10000000           ;flash command buffer empty flag
FCCF_               equ       %01000000           ;flash command complete flag
FPVIOL_             equ       %00100000           ;flash protection violation
FACCERR_            equ       %00010000           ;flash access error
FBLANK_             equ       %00000100           ;flash verified as all blank (erased =$ff) flag

FCMD                equ       $1826,1             ;Flash command register

; command codes for flash programming/erasure to be used with FCMD register

Blank_              equ       $05                 ;Blank Check command
ByteProg_           equ       $20                 ;Byte Program command
BurstProg_          equ       $25                 ;Burst Program command
PageErase_          equ       $40                 ;Page Erase command
MassErase_          equ       $41                 ;Mass Erase command

; **** Flash non-volatile register images **************************************

NVBACKKEY           equ       $FFB0,1             ;8-byte backdoor comparison key
                                                  ;comparison key in $FFB0 through $FFB7

; following 2 registers transfered from flash to working regs at reset

NVPROT              equ       $FFBD,1             ;NV flash protection byte

; NVPROT transfers to FPROT on reset

NVICGTRIM           equ       $FFBE,1             ;NV ICG Trim Setting

; ICG trim value measured during factory test. User software optionally
; copies to ICGTRM during initialization.

NVOPT               equ       $FFBF,1             ;NV flash options byte

; NVFEOPT transfers to FOPT on reset

; **** END OF ORIGINAL DEFINITIONS *********************************************

_9S08GB60_          def       *                   ;Tells us this INCLUDE has been used

FLASH_PAGE_SIZE     def       512                 ;minimum that must be erased at once

          #if FLASH_PAGE_SIZE <> 512
                    #Error    FLASH_PAGE_SIZE should be fixed at 512

FLASH_DATA_SIZE     def       0                   ;default: no runtime flash storage

VECTORS             equ       $FFCC               ;start of fixed vectors
          #ifdef RVECTORS
VECTORS             set       RVECTORS

;--- Vectors
                    #temp     VECTORS
Vrti                next      :temp,2             ;RTI (periodic interrupt) vector
Viic                next      :temp,2             ;IIC vector
Vadc                next      :temp,2             ;analog to digital conversion vector
Vkeyboard           next      :temp,2             ;keyboard vector
Vsci2tx             next      :temp,2             ;SCI2 transmit vector
Vsci2rx             next      :temp,2             ;SCI2 receive vector
Vsci2err            next      :temp,2             ;SCI2 error vector
Vsci1tx             next      :temp,2             ;SCI1 transmit vector
Vsci1rx             next      :temp,2             ;SCI1 receive vector
Vsci1err            next      :temp,2             ;SCI1 error vector
Vspi                next      :temp,2             ;SPI vector
Vtpm2ovf            next      :temp,2             ;TPM2 overflow vector
Vtpm2ch4            next      :temp,2             ;TPM2 channel 4 vector
Vtpm2ch3            next      :temp,2             ;TPM2 channel 3 vector
Vtpm2ch2            next      :temp,2             ;TPM2 channel 2 vector
Vtpm2ch1            next      :temp,2             ;TPM2 channel 1 vector
Vtpm2ch0            next      :temp,2             ;TPM2 channel 0 vector
Vtpm1ovf            next      :temp,2             ;TPM1 overflow vector
Vtpm1ch2            next      :temp,2             ;TPM1 channel 2 vector
Vtpm1ch1            next      :temp,2             ;TPM1 channel 1 vector
Vtpm1ch0            next      :temp,2             ;TPM1 channel 0 vector
Vicg                next      :temp,2             ;ICG vector
Vlvd                next      :temp,2             ;low voltage detect vector
Virq                next      :temp,2             ;IRQ pin vector
Vswi                next      :temp,2             ;SWI vector
Vreset              next      :temp,2             ;reset vector
; Aliases for certain vectors
Viicx               equ       Viic,2
Vspi1               equ       Vspi,2

Vtpmovf             equ       Vtpm1ovf,2
Vtpmch2             equ       Vtpm1ch2,2
Vtpmch1             equ       Vtpm1ch1,2
Vtpmch0             equ       Vtpm1ch0,2

Vscitx              equ       Vsci1tx,2
Vscirx              equ       Vsci1rx,2
Vscierr             equ       Vsci1err,2
TRUE_ROM            equ       $1080               ;start of 60K flash (extra ROM)

?                   macro     Size,NVPROT_Mask
?NVPROT_MASK        equ       %~2~

                    @?            0,10111000
                    @?         1920,10111000
                    @?        28544,10110000
                    @?        44928,10101000
                    @?        53120,10100000
                    @?        57216,10011000
                    @?        59264,10010000
                    @?        60288,10001000
                    @?        60800,10000000
                    @?        61312,11000000

          #ifdef BOOTROM
?NVPROT_MASK        set       %11000000

          #ifndef ?NVPROT_MASK
                    #Error    FLASH_DATA_SIZE ({FLASH_DATA_SIZE}) not 0,1920,28544,44928,53120,57216,59264,60288,60800,61312

EEPROM              def       TRUE_ROM

          #if EEPROM_END <= HighRegs_End
ROM                 def       HighRegs_End+1
ROM                 def       EEPROM_END+1

ROM_END             def       $FFAF               ;end of all flash (before NV register and fixed vectors)

ROM_END             set       BOOTROM-1

RAM                 def       $80                 ;start of 4096 byte RAM
RAM_END             def       $FF                 ;last zero-page RAM location

XRAM                equ       $0100
XRAM_END            def       $107F               ;last true RAM location

RAM                 set       BOOTRAM_END         ;start of 4096 byte RAM

FLASH_START         def       EEPROM_END+1
FLASH_END           def       ROM_END

          #ifdef BOOT&BOOTROM
FLASH_END           set       BOOTROM-1

SERIAL_NUMBER       def       $FFA0               ;start of optional S/N (FFA0-FFAD)

#ifndef MHZ||KHZ
HZ                  def       8000000             ;8MHz PEMicro Simulator
;HZ                 def       15552000            ;243KHz (IRG) *64

BDIV                def       1                   ;actually GB60 does not have a BDIV option

                    #Uses     common.inc

;                   @pin      SPI_SS,PORTE,2      ;SPI /SS pin

                    #EEPROM   EEPROM


          #ifndef BOOT||NO_CODE
                    org       NVPROT              ;NV flash protection byte
                    fcb       ?NVPROT_MASK        ;NVPROT transfers to FPROT on reset

          #ifndef NVOPT_VALUE
                    #Message  Using default NVOPT_VALUE (no vector redirection)
          #ifdef DEBUG
NVOPT_VALUE         def       %11000010           ;NVFEOPT transfers to FOPT on reset
          #endif             ; ||||||||
NVOPT_VALUE         def       %11000000           ;NVFEOPT transfers to FOPT on reset
                             ; |||||||+----------- SEC00 \ 00:secure  10:unsecure
                             ; ||||||+------------ SEC01 / 01:secure  11:secure
                             ; ||++++------------- Not Used (Always 0)
                             ; |+----------------- FNORED - Vector Redirection Disable (No Redirection)
                             ; +------------------ KEYEN - Backdoor key mechanism enable

                    org       NVOPT               ;NV flash options byte
                    fcb       NVOPT_VALUE         ;NVFEOPT transfers to FOPT on reset
;                   org       NVICGTRIM           ;NV ICG Trim Setting
;                   fcb       ??                  ;ICG trim value measured during factory test. User software optionally
;                                                 ;copies to ICGTRM during initialization.
                    #VECTORS  VECTORS
                    #RAM      RAM
                    #XRAM     XRAM
                    #ROM      ROM

                    #MEMORY   ROM       ROM_END
                    #MEMORY   NVBACKKEY NVBACKKEY+7
                    #MEMORY   NVPROT
                    #MEMORY   NVOPT
                    #MEMORY   VECTORS   VECTORS|$FF

          #if EEPROM < HighRegs
                    #MEMORY   EEPROM    HighRegs-1
          #if EEPROM_END > HighRegs_End
                    #MEMORY   HighRegs_End+1 EEPROM_END
                    #!MEMORY  RVECTORS  RVECTORS|$FF
                    #!MEMORY  CRC_LOCATION CRC_LOCATION+1