;* Module    : PI.SUB
;* Programmer: Tony Papadimitriou <tonyp@acm.org>
;* Purpose   : Multiply a long (32-bit) number by the Greek PI (3.141592)
;* Language  : Motorola/Freescale/NXP HC08/9S08 Assembly Language (aspisys.com/ASM8)
;* Status    : FREEWARE Copyright (c) 2021 by Tony Papadimitriou <tonyp@acm.org>
;* Note(s)   : Use: #Include pi.sub
;*           : Requires: stkmth32.sub
;* History   : 10.01.22 v1.00 Original
;*           : 10.10.21 v1.01 Made better use of updated STKMTH32.SUB macros
;*           : 12.11.09 v1.02 Adapted to STAKMATH.SUB v6.00 new macro behavior

#ifmain ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    #Uses     mcu.inc
                    #Uses     stkmth32.sub
#endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Purpose: Multiply a long (32-bit) number by the Greek PI (3.141592)
; Input  : HX -> variable with number to multiply by PI approximation (355/113)
; Output : HX -> variable contains result (original number is replaced)
; Note(s): You may append a few zeros to the PI numerator constant (355) to get
;        : some extra precision, e.g., 35500 will give two extra decimal digits
;        : in the (always) integer result.
;        : (Just make sure the Mul32 result doesn't overflow the 32-bit word.)
;        : Hint: If the number to multiply with PI is already on top-of-stack,
;        :       use the following code:
;        :          tsx
;        :          call      MultiplyPI32

                    #spauto   :ab

MultiplyPI32        proc
                    push      .ans@@,2            ;save pointer to number/answer
                    @Eval32   .ans@@,sp = .ans@@,sp * 355 / 113



TESTVALUE           def       3183                ;x PI=9999 (decimal part lost)

my_var              @var      DWORD

SampleNumber        long      TESTVALUE


Start               proc
                    clra                          ;(keeps simulator happy)
          ; copy number to RAM (result overwrites number, so it can't be in ROM)
                    @Eval     my_var = SampleNumber
          ;-------------------------------------- ;multiply number with the Greek PI
                    ldhx      #my_var
                    call      MultiplyPI32
          ;-------------------------------------- ;check result for correctness
                    @cmp.s    my_var #TESTVALUE*355/113 ;TESTVALUE * PI
                    bne       *                   ;Unexpected result
                    bra       *                   ;Expected result

                    @vector   Vreset,Start
                    end       :s19crc