#ifmain ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    #Uses     mcu.inc
#endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Purpose: Get the length of an ASCIZ string but only up to the specified char
; Input  : HX -> ASCIZ string
;        : A = character on which to stop counting
; Output : Carry Clear on success, Carry Set on Error (target not found)
;        : A = length of matched string
; Note(s): If an ASCIZ terminator is found before the target character,
;        : or if the target is not found at all, then the returned length is
;        : to the terminator.

StringLengthToChar  macro     [#]String [#]TargetChar
                    mset      #' '
                    mreq      1,2:[#]String [#]TargetChar
                    #spauto   :sp
                    lda       ~2~
                    ldhx      ~1~
                    call      ~0~


                    #spauto   :ab

StringLengthToChar  proc
                    pshhx     .str@@
Loop@@              tst       ,x                  ;is it end of ASCIZ string?
                    clc                           ;indicate 'success'
                    cbeq      x+,Go@@             ;char found, done
                    bne       Loop@@              ;repeat until end of ASCIZ string
                    sec                           ;indicate 'error'
Go@@                tpa                           ;keep CCR for later
                    psha                          ;put CCR on stack
                    txa                           ;current pointer LSB
                    sub       .str@@+1,spx        ;subtract original pointer LSB
                    deca                          ;always gone one too far, so subtract one
                    tax                           ;keep length in X for now
                    pula                          ;get CCR from stack
                    tap                           ;restore SkipChar CCR condition
                    txa                           ;put length back in A
                    tsta                          ;adjust CCR[Z] according to length


Msg1                fcs       'Space here'
Msg2                fcs       'Space '
Msg3                fcb       0

ok                  macro     value
                    cbeqa     #~#1~,Go$$$
                    bra       *


Start               proc
                    ldhx      #Msg1
                    call      StringLengthToChar
                    @ok       10

                    ldhx      #Msg1
                    lda       #' '
                    call      StringLengthToChar
                    @ok       5

                    ldhx      #Msg2
                    lda       #' '
                    call      StringLengthToChar
                    @ok       5

                    ldhx      #Msg2
                    lda       #'?'
                    call      StringLengthToChar
                    @ok       6

                    ldhx      #Msg3
                    lda       #'?'
                    call      StringLengthToChar
                    @ok       0

                    ldhx      #Msg3
                    call      StringLengthToChar
                    @ok       0

                    bra       *

                    @vector   Vreset,Start