OS11 - RTOS for 68HC11
OS11 is a set of collaborating modules for the 68HC11 CPU that provides OS-called (or SWI / FCB for users of third-party assemblers) functions that allow, among other things, for simple to use pre-emptive or cooperative multi-tasking. Full assembly-language source-code is available in case you want to modify for your needs. It is sold separately (check our pricelist) or bundled free of charge (object code only) with our F1 Board and is free of royalties for object code use for either personal or commercial projects. Not a fully blown operating system in the sense that rarely used "features" that many people find confusing yet unnecessary for most applications are not present saving precious memory. But make no mistake, this is a very powerful RTOS.

OS11 does provide most of the functionality of larger RTOS but with:

OS11 is being used in real-world applications with excellent results, and it is constantly improved.

A free cut-down version of the multitasker for hobby or personal use is available. This is a binary version (S19 file) with several limitations but usable for small projects. Ask for your copy now.

NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Current version is 1.23. Request your free update from os11@aspisys.com. You must include the registration name found in your copy of ASM11 that came with OS11 to verify your request.

Each function is fully documented and there is also example code in source form to demonstrate how to use the various system calls. OS11 is expected to continuously evolve and registered users will be eligible to receive free updates as they become available. To use with most systems (such as our F1 Board) all you have to do is #INCLUDE a certain file in the beginning of your programs, then use a set of simple rules for writing your code in such a way that it doesn't conflict with the RTOS. In addition to the modules already available for free within the freeware version of ASM11, you get:

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